Meeting #:18-2021
Electronic Meeting - Due to continued COVID concerns, traditional in-person meetings are not being held. The public is invited to view meetings through our live stream option.


    THAT the December 21, 2021 Council meeting Agenda be approved as presented.

There are no items for the Closed Session.


    THAT the minutes of the November 30, 2021 Council meeting be adopted as presented.


    THAT the Council Meeting adjourns at   p.m. for Public Meetings held under the Planning Act to hear applications for Zoning By-law Amendments:

    ZO-14/2021 - Velma MacLachlan - 8375 and 8381 Defore Drive;

    ZO-16/2021 - MFL Properties Ltd. - 17 Pine St., Grand Bend;

    ZO-17/2021 - Lambton Kent District School Board - Beechwood Ave. and Townsend Line; and

    ZO-18/2021 - Doug Pedlar - 9782 Northville Crescent.


    THAT the Presentation from Huron and Area Search and Rescue 2018 - 2021 be received.


    THAT the presentation from Huron Shores Area Transit be received.


    THAT Items 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 of the Agenda be received.


    THAT Report PL 46-2021, relating to a Zoning By-Law Amendment Application, submitted by Kim and Dan MacLachlan, be received;

    THAT Zoning By-Law Amendment Application ZO-14/2021, submitted by Kim and Dan MacLachlan, requesting an amendment to Zoning By-Law 1 of 2003 to rezone 8375 Defore Drive to a residential zone, portions of 8381 Defore Drive to a residential zone allowing an oversized accessory building, and the agricultural portions of 8381 Defore Drive to prohibit a dwelling, be approved;

    THAT By-Law 102 of 2021 be approved; and

    THAT Staff be directed to prepare a severance agreement that requires: (1) the conveyance of a road allowance for a cul-de-sac with a 18m radius and including the municipal water line and (2) the physical extension of the road and provision of a cul-de-sac to the same standard of construction as the existing Defore Drive.


    THAT Report PL 47-2021, relating to a Zoning By-Law Amendment Application, submitted by MFL Properties Ltd., be received; and

    THAT Zoning By-Law Amendment Application ZO-16/2021, submitted by MFL Properties Ltd., requesting an amendment to Zoning By-Law 1 of 2003 to rezone portions of 17 Pine Street to permit an R3 Zone with site-specific provisions for construction of a triplex dwelling, be refused.


    THAT Report PL 48-2021, relating to a ZBA Application, submitted by Lambton Kent District School Board, be received;

    THAT ZBA Application ZO-17/2021, submitted by LKDSB, requesting an amendment to Zoning By-Law 1 of 2003 to rezone portions of 3 parcels in Forest east of Beechwood Ave and north of Townsend Line to an Institutional-1 (I1) Zone for the development of a school with a 15m maximum height, be approved, subject to a site-specific 12m minimum setback requirement from all yards;

    THAT that the holding provision also be deleted from the R1 Zone applying to those portions of the lands abutting Beechwood Ave, with no recirculation of notification required regarding this change; and

    THAT By-Law 101 of 2021 be approved.


    THAT Report PL 49-2021, relating to a ZBA Application, submitted by Garrett Pedlar, be received;

    THAT ZBA Application ZO-18/2021, submitted by Garrett Pedlar, requesting an amendment to Zoning By-Law 1 of 2003 to rezone portions of 9782 Northville Cres. to permit a singled detached dwelling on a proposed new lot, be approved, subject to natural heritage features on both the severed and retained lots being zoned for conservation; and

    THAT By-Law 103 of 2021 be approved.


    THAT Report TR-28-2021 regarding the 2022 water and wastewater rates be received; and

    THAT By-Law 98 of 2021 be approved.


    THAT Report TR 29-2021 regarding the Supplemental Tax Billings and Write-offs process in 2021 be approved.


    THAT CL 32-2021 regarding the Appointment of Engineer for the Laird Drain be received; and

    THAT staff be directed to proceed with notification to the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; and

    THAT GM BluePlan Engineering be appointed to complete the required engineer’s report after the 30 day notice period has expired and no comments have been received.


    THAT CL 33-2021 regarding the Appointment of Engineer for the Robinson Monkhouse Drain – South Branch be received; and

    THAT staff be directed to proceed with notification to the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; and

    THAT Spriet Associates be appointed to complete the required engineer’s report after the 30 day notice period has expired and no comments have been received.


    THAT the report regarding the 2022 Municipal Election - Voting Services Provider be received; and

    THAT the proposal submitted by Scytl Canada in the amount of $32,254.66 including non-rebateable HST for municipal election services be approved; and

    THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary agreements.


    THAT Report CL 36-2021 “2022 Fees and Charges By-Law” be received; and

    THAT the 2022 Fees and Charges By-Law be approved.


    THAT Report CL 37-2021 “Amend Procedural By-Law – Electronic Meeting Participation” be received; and

    THAT By-Law 100-2021 be approved.

There were no Notices of Motion submitted by Council.


    THAT the December 21, 2021 Council Meeting adjourn at   p.m.

No Item Selected