THAT Consent Application B-13/2024, requesting permission to sever a vacant parcel from the lands known as 9780 Lakeshore Road, having approximately 20.18 m (66.2 ft) frontage and 10.66 ha (26.34 ac) lot area, leaving a retained lot with approximately 62.8 m (206.03 ft) frontage and 0.69 ha (1.71 ac) lot area, containing one single detached dwelling and one detached garage, and to establish an easement, if required, for access and servicing in favour of lands known as 9782 Lakeshore Road, be approved, subject to the following condition(s):
- That the Owner submit to the Municipality an electronic copy of a reference plan showing the severed lot and any required easement or submit a written description which is acceptable to the County of Lambton Registrar;
- That an easement in favour of lands known as 9782 Lakeshore Road, providing an access and servicing route over the remnant lot, be registered with the Land Registry Office, if one does not already exist;
- That any municipal taxes and local improvements including interest and penalties thereon that may be owing and payable with respect to the lands be paid to date;
- That the applicant pay the Municipality’s fee to stamp the deed;
- That the applicant obtain a zoning amendment to rezone the severed parcel to an Environmental Protection Zone and a portion of the retained parcel that includes the dwelling and detached garage to a Residential-6 (R6) Zone to match the zoning on the remainder of the retained lot;
- That the applicable road authority be satisfied that the resultant parcels have suitable, independent road access, or the applicant install or upgrade entrances as required by the road authority;
- That all conditions be fulfilled and the certificate of consent required by Section 53(42) of the Planning Act be obtained within two years of the notice of decision of this consent.