Meeting #:
Lambton Shores Municipal Office, Northville


    THAT the December 19, 2023 Council Meeting Agenda be approved as presented.

There is no Closed Session scheduled.


    THAT the minutes of the November 28, 2023 Council Meeting be adopted as presented.


    THAT the Council Meeting adjourn at   pm for a Public Meeting held under the Planning Act.


    THAT the Public Meeting close and the regular Council Meeting reconvene at   pm.


    THAT Items # 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 of the Agenda be received.


    THAT Report PL 30-2023, relating to a Zoning By-Law Amendment Application submitted by Adam Brebner, be received;

    THAT ZBA Application ZO-12/2023, submitted by Adam Brebner, requesting an amendment to Zoning By-Law 1 of 2003 to rezone 125 King St, Thedford, to permit a day nursery, be approved; and

    THAT By-Law 88 of 2023 be approved.


    THAT Report PL 31-2023, relating to the adoption of a Community Improvement Plan, be received;

    THAT the entire Municipality of Lambton Shores be designated as a Community Improvement Project Area pursuant to Section 28(2) of the Planning Act;

    THAT implementing By-Law 89 of 2023 be approved;

    THAT the Community Improvement Plan created with NPG Planning Solutions, dated December 19, 2023, be adopted pursuant to Section 28(4) of the Planning Act; and

    THAT implementing By-Law 90 of 2023 be approved.


    THAT Report CAO 22-2023 regarding the Cost Apportioning Memorandum of Understanding with St. Clair Region Conservation Authority be received; and

    THAT the Cost Apportioning Memorandum of Understanding with the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority be approved; and

    THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all necessary documents.


    THAT Report DCS 33-2023 regarding the “YMCA Agreement” be received; and

    THAT the agreement with the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario for the operation of the Suncor Wellness Centre located at the Shores Recreation Centre be approved; and

    THAT the By-Law authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the agreement be approved.


    THAT Report DCS 34-2023 regarding the “Community Vibrancy Fund Large Projects” be received for information.


    THAT Report DCS 35-2023 regarding the “Community Vibrancy Fund Requests Small Projects” be received; and

    THAT the eight (8) eligible applications received from Centre Ipperwash Community Association, Forest Lawn Bowling Club, Grand Bend Art Centre, Grand Bend Studio Tour, Kiwanis Club of Forest, Lambton Shores Nature Trails, Forest Legion (RCL Branch 176) and Grand Bend Legion (RCL Branch 498) be approved for a total funding commitment of $36,561.85; and

    THAT Council provide direction on the request from Forest Fritter Friends for the requested amount of $8,575.00; and

    THAT Council provide direction on the late submission from the West Coast Lions Club for the requested amount of $9,900.00; and

    THAT a segregated Reserve Fund be created with $1,135,450.00 from the Vibrancy Reserve Fund for funding the small vibrancy projects: and

    THAT 50% of the annual amount received from Nextera be allocated to the segregated fund.


    THAT Report TR 32-2023 regarding the 2023 Supplemental Tax Billings and Write offs be approved.


    THAT Report TR 33-2023 regarding an Asset Retirement Obligation Policy be received; and

    THAT the Asset Retirement Obligation Policy be approved.


    THAT Report TR 35-2023 regarding an application to the Experience Ontario Grant program on behalf of the Grand Bend Canada Day be received; and

    THAT staff be authorized to submit an application to the Experience Ontario Grant program on behalf of the Grand Bend Canada Day Committee.


    THAT Report CL 18-2023 “2024 Fees and Charges By-Law” be received; and

    THAT the 2024 Fees and Charges By-Law be approved.


    THAT Report CL 19-2023 “Wakefield Drain Update” be received; and

    THAT Spriet Associates be notified of the additional petitioners to be included in the drainage area for the Wakefield Drain originally submitted by the Municipality.

There are no Notices of Motion.


    THAT the December 19, 2023 Council Meeting adjourn at   pm.

No Item Selected