THAT Report DCS 35-2023 regarding the “Community Vibrancy Fund Requests Small Projects” be received; and
THAT the eight (8) eligible applications received from Centre Ipperwash Community Association, Forest Lawn Bowling Club, Grand Bend Art Centre, Grand Bend Studio Tour, Kiwanis Club of Forest, Lambton Shores Nature Trails, Forest Legion (RCL Branch 176) and Grand Bend Legion (RCL Branch 498) be approved for a total funding commitment of $36,561.85; and
THAT Council provide direction on the request from Forest Fritter Friends for the requested amount of $8,575.00; and
THAT Council provide direction on the late submission from the West Coast Lions Club for the requested amount of $9,900.00; and
THAT a segregated Reserve Fund be created with $1,135,450.00 from the Vibrancy Reserve Fund for funding the small vibrancy projects: and
THAT 50% of the annual amount received from Nextera be allocated to the segregated fund.